
A little about the samples below

These are but a sample of the many printed brochures, booklets and books Griffin has created over the years. However, it can be difficult to present your printed pieces digitally. Sometimes just a flat .PDF file doesn’t provide the pop or ambiance of being able to turn the page and leaf through a document. We’ve used page flip technology to provide the feel of a real document. Digital features such as embedded video and audio, interactive bookmarks and tables of contents, hyperlinks and more bring an additional level of excitement and create excellent teaching and learning tools… And yes, this is just one more marketing tools we make available to our clients. Give the samples a try.

The specified book id does not exist.

8-Page client product brochure featured 7 colors, 4 types of UV spot varnish and 1 UV soft-touch flood varnish

This sample has embedded video on Page 7.
Click the photo at the top of page 7.

The specified book id does not exist.

8-page Association Meeting promo brochure. 4-color with flood AQ